Strange Silhouettes (indoor game)

Players: 5 or more
Materials: Large white sheet; gooseneck desk lamp or similar lamp; small table; costume articles, such as hats, wigs, scarves, and false noses

In this version of Blind Man’s Buff, the chosen player has to recognize his friends by their silhouettes.

Tack the large white sheet to an open doorway so that you cover most of the opening. Place the small table about 6 feet (2 m) from the sheet, and place the lamp on top of the table. Turn the lamp so that the light shines directly on the sheet.

The chosen player sits on the side of the sheet opposite the lamp. The remaining players prepare for the game by putting on various costume articles. One player switches on the lamp, and then each player parades between the sheet and the lamp so that his silhouette appears on the opposite side of the sheet. Besides wearing costumes, players can also crouch down to disguise their real heights—but no talking is allowed.

The chosen player tries to recognize each of his friends by their strange silhouettes alone. Players can give the chosen player more time by pausing in front of the sheet and doing some little piece of business. But remember, if the chosen player recognizes you, you have to change places with him.

Collected from The Little Giant Book of Kids’ Games by Glen Vecchione

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