Peanut Pitch (indoor game)

Players: 2 or more
Materials: 5 unshelled peanuts for each player, 3 bowls of different sizes that you can nest

Place the smallest bowl into the next smallest, and place both of those bowls into the larger bowl. Fill the center bowl with water, but pour just a little water into the surrounding bowls. If any of the bowls float, add more water to the center bowl and remove water from the surrounding bowls.

Each player takes his five peanuts and stands 6 feet (2m) from the bowl. He tosses his peanuts toward the bowl. A peanut that lands in the outside bowl counts 2 points, 4 points if it lands in the inner bowl, and 10 points if it lands in the center bowl. A peanut that misses the bowl counts no points.

After a player finishes pitching his peanuts, he removes them from the bowl (where they float) and counts up his points. Then it’s the next player’s turn. The first player to reach 100 points wins the game.

Collected from The Little Giant Book of Kids’ Games by Glen Vecchione

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