Flour Tower (indoor game)

Players: 2
Materials: Flour, shallow bowl, cutting board, coin, plastic knives, table

This game can get messy, so set it up on a table with a moist sponge nearby. Still, it is best to play it indoors because of possible wind problems outdoors.

Fill the bowl with flour and press the flour tightly down, compacting it. Place the cutting board over the bowl and then turn both board and bowl over so that the bowl rests upside down. Carefully life the bowl so that you have a mound of compacted flour.

Place a coin in the center of the mound, and give each player a plastic knife. Players take turns slicing away the flour, one turn each. At first, it’s easy. But as more and more flour slices away, the coin has less to hold it up. Eventually, only a slender tower of flour holds the coin up, and each player has to slide pretty carefully.
The player who topples the coin losses.

Collected from The Little Giant Book of Kids’ Games by Glen Vecchione

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